It took ten days for everything to turn upside down (Day 8)
October 8, 2022

Kelvin's eyes fluttered before opening up slowly. He then released a groan as he finally felt the pain from the previous event.

There was some sort of stiffness he was feeling on his left hand, he looked at it and saw that there was a needle connected to a drip that hung from a stand by his side. He removed the needle from his skin and winced as he did so.

He then got up slowly and noticed that he was back in the safe house and was lying on the bed in the room he usually slept in.

Just as he got this realization, the door to the room flung open and Gary walked inside. He was wearing black shorts, a white singlet, and flip-flops with his brown hair slowly dripping water.

"You're awake.", Gary said as he walked in.

"Yeah.", Kelvin responded, "I want to apologize for what I did. It was a stupid thing to do."

"It's cool. You don't have to worry about it.", Gary replied.

"Alright. Since that's taken care of, I've got two questions.", Kelvin said, still looking at Gary's get-
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