The feminine pride

Music blared from the car's speaker and Henry bopped his head to the beat and rhythm as he drove.

He had begun to play songs because the car was too quiet and Kelvin had made it clear from his lackluster response that he was not ready to indulge in small talk.

It was almost five pm when they arrived at a place unfamiliar to Henry, but considering he was still new here, most places were unfamiliar.

There was a gate in front of them and makeshift walls that seemed to block off a large open area. Looking left and right, Henry noticed that many people flocked around the area.

"Approach the gate," Kelvin ordered.

Henry slowly drove closer to the gate and stopped at the behest of one of the two hefty security men there.

"Can I help you?" One of them asked when he got to the side of the car.

Kelvin gestured at Henry who reduced the volume of the music before he took off his shades and the man unknowingly gasped in surprise when he recognized who he was.

"Oh my God, Mr. Kelvin!," The man
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