Chapter 52

Dean immediately let go of Bhram, and the man nearly fell over before managing to steady himself.

With a wave of his hand, Bhram dismissed the guards who were warily monitoring the entire exchange. "Resume your posts, men. Everything is fine here." He turned to Dean. "You know I could have you arrested for this, right?"

"Five minutes, Bhram. I only need five minutes."

Indecision flashed across the other man's face. "I know you're worried about Dr. Ricafort. Hell, I'm worried, too. I don't know how she got infected, but I promise you, the last thing I want is for that woman to die."

Dean fought the urge to grab a gun from the hip holster of one of those guards and empty an entire clip into Bhram Davie's chest. The son of a bitch had given him that water, and now here he was, he acted like he had no idea how Thalia got infected with the virus. Acting like he actually cared about her well-being?

"Take me to Dr. Lucas," Dean muttered. "Now."

Silence prevailed for a few moments before Bh
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