Chapter TwentyTwo

I took her hand and pulled her quickly to the entrance as it is only a couple dozen feet away from us.

The specks of sand dusted on my bare arms felt blistered as I moved agilely towards the next sand dune, I felt my skin redden and began to blister in this ridiculous heatwave.

  Once I got to my destination, I fell back against the dune feeling the burning sensation on my back making me sit up straighter and bolstering despair.

  I looked back making sure they didn’t hear me hiss in pain, they were walking toward me.

  ‘Shit’ I thought in my head as I strategically moved around it trying to not wince or make any sound.

  I looked over to where the girls were standing, and Ariel hid on the other side holding Gracie with her hand covering Gracie’s mouth making sure she doesn’t make a sound.

  “That was strange I swear I heard someone or something over here.” The first soldier spoke.

  “I think we are just hallucinating from the heat, we are in metal suits dressed in the desert, whose b
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