Chapter TwentyThree

"Okay so, who are you?" Ariel questioned eying him carefully.

  "Ah my dear, I fear if I tell you, you will not listen." He replied a small smirk placed upon his lips.

  "So will you not going to tell me?" She questioned getting irritated.

  I kept quiet I know what happens when she gets mad.

  "I have to tell you, whether I want to or not, it is my duty." He sat up straighter.

  "Alright well, hurry up I'm very tired." She replied.

  He took her hand gently in his and took everything in me not to let go of my anger.

  "My darling girl, I am your father." His words came like swords and they were meant to cut deep.

  "What kind of joke is this?" Ariel half-laughed.

  "Its no joke Ariel, It's true." The man said holding her hand between both of his.

  "Lies!" She pulled her hand away as if he'd burned her.

  "Shall I explain?" He asked calmly.

  "If you were my father you would have kept me, instead of sending me off to an orphanage," she stated quieter because the dirty looks the
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