The Voyage To Sapphire Island 5
The Flying White Cranes were the most sentient of the mutated creatures. After the destruction of the meteor ceased, and a new order was formed, flying cranes became a girl's best friend and the most flexible medium of transportation.

Few and far in between, the Flying White Cranes were tightly controlled by the military and former officials, with only one or two in the hands of unaffiliated superhumans.

They were used to attract superhumans to a power base and distributed according to a contribution system. Superhumans who hunted more mutated plants and animals, and brought greater resources back to the base, not only received better treatment in terms of living conditions and the type of food they consumed but also got the qualification to choose their own flying crane from a tightly guarded and raised flock.

All the superhumans on the Honor Roll were in possession of a White Crane in some form or another.

Ordinary superhumans and regular humans, on the other hand...could only d
Raising Moon

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