In search of the lost scepter 1

After having trained in elemental magic and being able to have enough strength to be able to attack and defend.

Liliana prepared everything necessary to have a great adventure in the dungeon where the lost center was located.

She knew from some books that she had read that the power that the scepter had was too powerful so she did not doubt that it would be a great weapon to be able to fight Killian Flanagan in the future.

When she had everything ready, she alone went out with Hilda in her adventure, she was not afraid since she knew that the dungeon she would go to was not a dangerous place

This was because about 10 years ago the empire of Agat launched a huge initiative to pacify the lands of the entire empire.

The initiative was quite simple as the legions and millions of adventurers gathered in the most dangerous areas of the empire and launched a war against the creatures that inhabited those areas.

Millions of creatures died against the monsters, however the sacrifice was not in
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