Shadow realm

Nats stared all around him, what he could see was nothing like the world he knew.

The sky was in a permanent lunar eclipse that shone purple lights on the Earth.

In the distance he could peecieve the sounds of beasts fighting in the distance.

All over his skin he was getting this eerie and creepy feeling of something crawling up his skin.

The harsh cold temperature of the realm made the eerie feeling even worse than before.

Black tar littered the ground with an extensively pungent smell that Nate could even taste in his mouth.

Nate spat onto the ground and the tar entered into his spit turning it completely black.

“That is new? ” Nate asked in confusion, things were getting pretty strange.

“I.. I hear shadow beasts, everywhere this planet is filled with shadow beasts. ” Jack said, looking into the skies.

There were strange flying creatures with purple shadows covering their bodies and they consumed whatever they saw, it was evident that this was no longer Earth.

“Okay, first
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