Chapter Hundred and twenty-eight
As Norah braced herself for the conversation with Mary Adams, her phone buzzed with an incoming call. Charles’s name illuminated the screen, and she swiftly answered, expecting a routine check-in.

“Norah, abandon the mission. Turn around and come home,” Charles’s voice, usually steady, carried an urgency that caught Norah off guard.

Confusion etched her features as she responded, “But Charles, I’m just arriving at the prison. I’m about to talk to Mary. What’s going on?”

Charles, however, remained cryptic. “It’s a lost cause. We’ve found something else. Higgins has uncovered information on the person behind the media scandal. Turn back, Norah.”

Curiosity mingled with surprise in Norah’s eyes. “What did Mr. Higgins find? Why the sudden change of plans?”

Charles, in a hurry, replied, “I can’t tell you over the phone. Just trust me on this, Norah. Come home.”

The mystery surrounding the situation deepened, leaving Norah torn between the mission she had embarked on and the mysterious revela
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