Good news and bad news.

Jake glared at them and said, "I know I read through the documents, but I didn't see anything like that!"

"Yes, you did, but you chose to ignore it because you thought you could get away with our grant money without fulfilling your part of the deal!" The agent retorted.

Henry fast-forwards the video to where Jake finally gives up and signs the documents. He was thrilled. His plans had finally worked!

"We can move to phase two of the plan now, Louis." I need to get him out of that company, and it has to be done in a shocking way. But first, let's move to Hundeyin. "Our unveiling is today."

Louis picked up Henry's briefcase and said, "That's true." I couldn't sleep all night thinking about the Doreen Xboxes finally coming out for sale. "Your father would be proud of you, Henry!"

Henry smiled. His father and mother would be proud of him. He had dreams of building the vehicles but couldn't accomplish them because of his stepmother. The woman closed down every possible way for people to h
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