The broken Dao heart (4)

Bang !! with a step , Ryden appeared above the Alvadon world and then warped space and transvered the dark void with incredible speed.

With each step , he covered countless of light years and several blurred worlds flashed past his eyes.

Looking at the unconscious Amon who was in his arms , he sighed gently.

The lad have been under unimaginable torture for the past hours. He secretly vowed that he must get Amon to the End domain no matter what happens.

He was aware that the assault of the lackeys of the Heavenly laws will not stop as he was likely to meet more enemies on the way.

Boooom!! he increased his speed as his figure became completely blurry , transversing an unimaginable distance with a single step.

"Please stay !". A calm voice suddenly sounded in the surrounding before a multicolored collosal palm that was covered with resplendent Dao laws suddenly smashed over from the distance.

"Scram !!". Ryden roared out and terrifying sword Dao laws rumbled and transformed i
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