Persia : The last son of Bert
Persia : The last son of Bert
Author: Reemah Reigns
Episode 1 : Persia

Before the hazy mirror in the little dimly lighted room with three beds Persia adjusted his t-shirt and smile at his reflection in the mirror.

" Do you think Celia will accept my proposal tonight guys? " He asked his two friends Fernando and Russell who sat on their bed.

" Why not? " Russell who is reading an old book replied. " You both have been together for two years now "

" I see no reason why she would say no. After all you are both colleagues too at work " Fernando chipped in.

The response from his roommates gladden Persia's heart. He walk away from the mirror and picked up a credit card that sat on the small table at the corner.

" I should go now. I'm late already for the anniversary " He said as he made to walk out but Russell was quick to stop him.

" Isn't that our joint credit card you took? "

" Yes it is. Uh.. I exhausted all my savings when I took Celia out for shopping. You know she has to look good today at the Juans co anniversary "

" So you took our card for what? "

" For goodness sake Russell! " Persia drawl. " After I proposed to her we should have a nice dinner together. I will only borrow a little money from this card. Do not worry. Once I got paid I will repay immediately "

" You said that all the time Persia " Fernando mutters but Persia didn't bother to answer him.

He took the Little silver ring that he had purchased a day before and walk out to the night sky.

With a smile Persia hailed down a taxi and hop in.

" Juans co building " He said to the driver and the journey began. In no time Persia arrived at his destination. He paid the taxi driver and alighted.

With his Hazel eyes roaming about, Persia realized he is late already for the ceremony is already going on.

Thousands of luxurious cars parked at the venue's garage.

Persia let out a sigh. He adjust a little wrinkles from his worn out but pressed neat t-shirt and walk into the tall building.

He works as a sales man in Juans cooperation. There, he had met Celia. A beautiful lady whom he fell in love with at first sight.

Working as a secretary in the Juans cooperation Celia's salary is also meagre so Persia makes it a monthly routine to divide his salary into two.

Half of it goes to Celia's account while the remaining would be his but eventually he would spend it on Celia or her mother who demand so much.

After dating for two whole years Persia decided to propose to her at the Juans cooperation twentieth anniversary.

Persia stop at the receptionist table. He never knows an inspection will occurs but he got nothing to worry about.

Everyone knows him. The sales man Persia without first name. The lady at the reception stare at him with contempt.

Staring at the fade out pant trouser he wore makes her to wrinkle her nose in displeasure.

" Name? " She asked grumpily.

" Persia "

After going through the list of tags people invited she looks up and glare.

" You are not invited "

" What? Oh you are mistaken. I am invited in the... "

" Are you Persia salesman? " The Lady interrupted and instantly the man's jaw drop.

How could anyone have written his name as Persia salesman? However he gulped down, swallowing his pride just like always.

" Yes..I am "

The receptionist stare at him again coldly before pointing out the way to go. she extended the tag name ' Persia salesman ' for him and he received it but thrust it into his pocket.

Persia immediately took to the route. In no time he emerges Into a very large ball room.

The airs of wealth and prosperity filled the atmosphere. Every men there were cladded in their expensive suits while the females wore gorgeous dresses.

Feeling out of space Persia immediately search the crowd for Celia. He caught her in no time but she was sitting with a handsome man at the VIP lounge.

" Celia! Hi " He called with a sheepish grin when he arrived at the lounge but surprisingly the lady didn't spare him one glance.

He figured the low music playing in the background must have somehow deafen her so he marched forward to held her wrist but swiftly Celia slapped his palm away and rose to her feet in fury.

" Who the hell are you? " The question confused Persia. He stare at her dumbfounded for a short time.

" What..are you talking about? " Persia asked after finding his voice. " Celia..I..."

He made to reach out to her again but this time, the handsome man Celia was with, none other than Davey Juan flashed his palm in a jiffy, face slapping Persia hard on on the cheek.

Abruptly everywhere grew silence. The music stopped and the dancing people paused at once.

The CEO of Juans cooperation is angry. Who must have been so bold to make him mad?

Persia was stunned totally by the hard smack. His whole life was put to a stop at that moment and he was dazed.

" Did you know this filthy guy love? "

Slowly Persia look up at Davey who had asked the question from Celia.

Wait what? Love?He thought to himself.

" No Davey. Why would you ask such question? Of course he might be one of those beggars who would do anything for a few dollars "

Again Persia received another shock of his life. Did Celia just denied and call him a beggar?

Panicked set into Persia's veins at once and he turn to Celia, pinning her with his gaze.

" What is going on here Celia? What has come over you? We can talk about it if.."

" I got nothing to say to you beggar! "

" What? Celia... "

" Securities? " Davey interrupted Persia's speech and the latter shivers. He turns to see two hefty men walking towards him.

Adrenaline pumping life into his heart. Swiftly he held Celia's wrist. Going crazy and lost in surprised he made to pull her along but the hefty men had arrived.

In no time they gripped Persia's by the shoulder and pinned him down.

" Let go of me. Celia please say something. This lady is my girlfriend! " He yelled out in panicked but then the crowd bursted out laughing.

Davey throw back his head and laugh out loud while Celia join in after some seconds.

" Seriously? " Davey asked calmly. He took his step towards Persia where the security men pinned him down " get him up "

The men obeyed. They make Persia stand on his feet before Davey.

Cruelly the man grabbed Persia's hair in his fist and pushed his head back to issue a warning.

" Don't you ever claim my woman as yours. The next time you do so I won't only send you to jail. Securities! Hand this man over to the cops "

At once Persia was taken away but the man tried to wriggle free. His eyes on Celia all through.

Before he was dragged completely out of sight he saw Celia and Davey resuming their Merry.

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