Persia : The last son of Bert

9 ratings

Persia : The last son of Bert

By: Reemah Reigns OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 28 views: 2.3K

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Granted another chance by Fate to redeem himself, Persia swore to make his oppressors all kneel before him. " Your first order young master? " " I want the Juans clan on their knees "

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  • Debajit Das


    It completely blew my mind...

    2023-04-28 13:04:07
  • Abby


    interesting storyline. need more episodes

    2023-04-29 06:07:29
  • Kenny Young


    Intrigued. Please update. what next for Persia?

    2023-04-28 03:34:20
  • oladimeji habibat


    update please

    2023-04-15 06:01:08
  • Jheney 128


    can we get more if CC and Persia scene? i love them both together

    2023-03-28 06:13:14
  • Jheney 128


    can we get an update please. been waiting for new episodes but seem author abandon the story

    2023-03-28 06:12:03
  • Jheney 128


    Good reading here with lot of action. When is the next update please

    2023-03-28 06:07:50
  • Kenny


    Okay this deserve the five stars. more updates please

    2023-03-28 06:00:20
  • Kghjnnhki ery


    Next episode.....

    2023-03-28 06:03:16
Latest Chapter
28 chapters
Episode 1 : Persia
Before the hazy mirror in the little dimly lighted room with three beds Persia adjusted his t-shirt and smile at his reflection in the mirror. " Do you think Celia will accept my proposal tonight guys? " He asked his two friends Fernando and Russell who sat on their bed." Why not? " Russell who is reading an old book replied. " You both have been together for two years now " " I see no reason why she would say no. After all you are both colleagues too at work " Fernando chipped in. The response from his roommates gladden Persia's heart. He walk away from the mirror and picked up a credit card that sat on the small table at the corner. " I should go now. I'm late already for the anniversary " He said as he made to walk out but Russell was quick to stop him. " Isn't that our joint credit card you took? " " Yes it is. Uh.. I exhausted all my savings when I took Celia out for shopping. You know she has to look good today at the Juans co anniversary " " So you took our card for wha
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Episode 2 : Last son of Bert
" So you are the fool who had fought with Davey Juan of all people? " One of the cops asked. They are standing just beside a patrol car.The hefty men had left Persia with the two angry cops. They regarded him with contempt all through. After a lot of taunting, one of the cops said Persia will have to bail himself out with $50,000. This makes the poor man to drop his jaw. Lost and miserable he had no choice but to tender the card with him. After some assessing the cops uses the card and tosses it to him. " Stupid! You only got half of the money here. What do you take us for? A beggar like you! " That moment Persia received a debit alert on his cellphone. His shoulder sagged when he saw all his life savings with that of his two friends turn zero. The cops seeing how dejected he is later chase him off. Persia finally find a space bench where he sat on. He still couldn't believe everything that has happened.Just then his cellphone rang out, jolting him back to reality. He picked
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Episode 3 : Journey of speech
Persia was dumbfounded. He couldn't move. He stare down at the cellphone of Garcia that still shows the face of an elderly man whom he remembered visited him in the orphanage home. He knows there is more to everything. He had always known he has a root somewhere. " What happened? " He requested from Garcia after choking back the bile in his throat. " Tell me everything and Do not leave anything out " " It all happens years ago " Garcia began smoothly. " Your grandfather the great Pa knotty is the most successful business man in the city. he is the lifeline of masses. The master of the universe. " Married to two women, each bore him one son each. The first wife, your grandmother, Ma Sandy gives birth to your Dad, Bert himself while the second wife, Ma Melly gives birth to Juan. " After growing wane and all, pa knotty decided to appoint an heir to his wealth. Everyone prefer Bert because he is the most generous and beloved son of pa knotty while Juan is quiet the opposite. " But t
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Episode 4 : One last time
The lighted hospital has many secret passages to Ma Sandy's room. When Persia was lead towards the underground he was confused. " We have to keep her out of sight. Only few doctors attends to her and only few knows she is still alive " Garcia was quick to whispers when he caught the expression on his face. Persia however only responded with a nod. The elderly doctor who lead the way finally opens a door for him to walk in.Persia had to stop in the door when he saw the woman laid lifelessly on the metallic bed. Her lips pale and her skin white. Leaving a shaky sigh and the hairs on his pores standing at it's end Persia walks to the bed's side. " She's...cold " He whispers softly after touching her fingers slightly. His heart tearing apart. Persia couldn't wait another minutes. All his family had fallen apart thanks to his evil uncle. The room now become so suffocating that he just had to evacuate the building entirely. When he got outside, he stood still and set his jaw tightly
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Episode 5 : Not even the Sky
His home is just a few blocks away to Celia's house so he decided to walk over there. After some minutes he arrived at the lighted house but from the loud music he realized a party is going on. Surprised that Celia could throw a party after breaking up with him, Persia march in. There he saw Celia having the best time of her life with her friends around her. Dollars note splattered around the floor, the music blaring and alcohols all over. Persia literally was amazed by this and it serves as an answer to him already but being an adamant man, he walk forward to Celia and tap her tenderly on the shoulder. The lady whirled around with a grin, thinking it's one of her friends but laying her eyes on him she threw up a fit and scream. " Who the hell let you in? How dare you return? I thought you are held up in a confined space already " Persia stop abruptly by her words. Definitely she deserves nothing but his hate. " Celia... I came to give you..this " He pulled out the ring and g
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Episode 6 : Found her!
The three Friends couldn't sleep till daylight. They spent the time away with laughter and joy. Persia trying to keep up with the Merry because he's still heartbroken from his family's sad story. When the sunlight rises, he informed his friends Garcia would visits so they all prepared and await him. At long last Garcia arrived in a flashy car. When he enters Persia's home, he stop at the doorway as his eyes caught the two friends Russell and Fernando. " Don't worry about them. They are my friends from the orphanage home. We grew up together. I can't leave them " " Understood Young master. Now all the documents has been finalized. You only need to come down and sign them so you will officially be the owner of all Bert's businesses. After this we will confidently announced to the Media about your comeback " " We should go then " Persia followed Garcia out earnestly and his Friends Fernando and Russell tag along. Firstly they were taken for clean up. Persia has his hair cut and h
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Episode 7 : Till eternity
That morning, feeling quite refreshed and energetic Davey Juan arrived in his office but what await him is a newspaper that it's headline boldly reads THE LAST SON OF BERT IS BACK. Immediately he Shivers and sweat broke out from his forehead. The media wouldn't have make an assumption of it if there isn't a clear source. " What is this? " He asked himself as he is alone in his grandiose office. " Father Informed me he clearly killed those brats of Bert. Is there last of them? " His question was answered by the loud argument from the outside. Swiftly he step out to see what has caused the ruckus. Clearly not in a friendly mood anymore he aim to yell at anyone that has disrupt his peace as though the news hasn't already. When he walk out, his eyes caught the three men in fine suit speaking to his personal assistant." We are only here to issue a warning to the CEO of this company. If you would be so kind,show us the door to his office " one of them was demanding from Davey's assista
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Episode 8 : Revealed!
In the usual silent city where juans cooperation was built it was finally put Into turmoil. Every staffs in this scary scraper company dashing around. The CEO, Davey Juan couldn't help but feel threatened. His life now seem to be hanging on a thin line. Numerous cars cruises into the garage gracefully and an old lady alighted. Beautiful and gracefully dressed, she headed to the CEOs office. Ma Melly arrived when the Media released the news earlier that morning. The headline boldly written. ' THE LAST SON OF BERT IS BACK 'She had come to witness it herself with her grandson. After shedding numerous blood evilly she had managed to be on top of the world for twenty one years. Now an heir is back to take her glory down? No way!As she walks on everyone had to bow before her. Known fully well as the brutal lady who spare no one.She emerges into Davey's room and caught him pacing around. " No need to worry. It must be one of Bert's worthless son who has managed to grow up safely. His
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Episode 9 : Threats
The loud bustles and struggling outside Bert's mansion finally comes to Persia's hearing. He is in his living room going through the pile of paperwork before him when he overheard the familiar voice of Celia and Felicia struggling with the security men. Garcia walks in moment later with a small frown on his face. He walks towards Persia and said. " Your ex girlfriend is here with her mother " " Her name is Celia. Calling her my ex girlfriend makes me mad " He replied smoothly and with a small wave he instructed. " Let them in. We do not want anyone creating unnecessary scenes " Garcia now slightly and leave. Minutes later he returns with Celia and Felicia. " Here they are Young mas.." " Persia! " Celia yelled out in delight, interrupting Garcia at once. She made to jump on him but from nowhere men bursted out to prevent her. " What's going on? " She Inquired in confusion. " That's my man god-damned it! You miserable men should move aside. I need to speak with my man! " " And
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Episode 10 : Bert's hospital
Persia the young master of the Bert's mansion was standing by the window sipping his wine gingerly.His dark hair gleaming under the artificial light and his mind miles away. Handsome in an understated way and now dominant. Persia soon remember his uncle and cousin who had visited him earlier that day. ' I will kill you dear nephew ' Persia remembered his uncle's words vividly. He had step into his home and threatened him. He had returned to the same house he succeeded in silencing Twenty one years ago confidently to threaten him. " How dare he ? " The beautiful man who couldn't be addressed as handsome mutters softly to himself. His anger reaching it's limit. " How dare he returns and has no fear? How dare he walks into my father's house without breaking into sweat? How dare he threaten me so confidently? How dare he, how dare he, damnit! " Persia whirled around in pure fury, slamming the glass cup of wine in his hand against the wall Harshly. The sound of it bringing Garcia t
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