"If you want to continue this game of yours, then I am ready" Dennis said with a devilish smile on his face, his finger was hooked in the hole of a knife, which he twirls playfully around his fingers.

A switch was on his other hand and a mask was on his face.

He sat on a desk in an empty room staring at Carlton who was sitting on a chair with his hands tied behind it.

"Ain't playing games man, I already told you times without number" Carlton answered shakily.

"If you don't admit your crime, then I will have no other choice than to press this switch in my hand and you know what happens when I do" Dennis raised the switch up in the air to show him clearly, he waved it at him.

"Don't involve my family in this shitty game of yours, you bastard!" Carlton yelled at him furiously, jerking the chair and trying to break free off it, not minding the pain that he was feeling as he dragged his hand apart but it was all to no avail.

"I can also sit here and watch your futile effort to bre
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