Robert walked towards Lucian and Wayde all covered in blood, from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet, even his shirt glued to his shirt and the sight looked quite scary to look at, the aura radiating around him was scary and overwhelming also.

The look on his face was cold and void of emotions, his eyes was dark, he looked like the complete monster himself while walking towards Lucian, and his aura had changed completely.

“Fuck!” Lucian muttered underneath his breath as he stared around, from the wall that was covered with blood and guts spilled on it, bodies with incomplete limbs, to the ground that was bathed in blood also. It was such a scary and disgusting sight to behold, the heavy stench of blood filled the whole passageway.

He raised his finger and pointed at Lucian, who looked a bit shaken immediately he saw the hand being raised towards him, "make preparations, we are attacking them in a few days, I am not holding back again, the more I stay, the more I get atta
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