EPISODE 119 - The Battle Against Spellmaster (Part 5)
"Were my eyes deceiving me? Or was Lili missing an arm? Were my eyes deceiving me? Or was Trif stabbed in the eye and lying dead on the floor?" Phize thought.

He trembled in shock and fear and my legs gave in.

"I can't process all of this. We were supposed to be together, weren't we?" he thought.

He took a glance at Spellmaster.

Spellmaster had this apathetic glare at Trif's body.

"I hate it. I hate it. I hate it when I warn people and they don't listen," he said, "Now look what you made people me do again."

He chanted, "Instant Regeneration."

Just like that, Phize saw Spellmaster's bone and muscle form from his elbow and his left arm was brand new. He opened and closed his arm.

"What a fruitless endeavor," he commented.

"What did you say?" Phize asked.

"I said that his sacrifice was useless," Spellmaster repeated.

"You may be Pallitra's older brother… but you are nothing like her!"

"What am I even doing? What am I doing right now watching as these events unfold? Haven't I
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