“Yes, Father. That would make me feel much better. I’m tired of Alex. He hates me a lot, and I don’t think I can do anything about that.” Isabella sniffed.

Mr.Patrick was speechless. He had many things going through his mind. He has kept Alex trapped in his household by making him marry Isabella, and letting him go would require returning his inheritance to him.

“Isabella, are you sure of this?” Johnson asked, staring at her.

Isabella simply nodded her head. Johnson lifted his head to stare at his father. Their eyes met, and they understood what was going through each other's minds.

Johnson glared at Alex, but Alex simply chuckled. Johnson found it weird. Alex felt much happier that Isabella had made the divorce process much easier for him. It was his first mission, and it went smoothly with Isabella’s help.

“Patrick, why don’t you allow them to get a divorce? Your daughter has been suffering for several months by staying in this miserable marriage with Alex. I think it would be a grea
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