{Congratulations, Mr. Alex Cavil! You’ve succeeded in spending your wealth system bonus. Now, your first mission is to divorce Isabella}

“Divorce Isabella? That’s too sudden. "It looks like the system knows everything about me.” Alex muttered as he stared at the screen.

Alex heaved a deep sigh. He remembered that this was his first mission, and it would also help increase his point and balance. He thought about it for a few seconds. He had to sacrifice the little feeling he had for Isabella.

{Your first mission should be completed in twenty-four hours.}

The screen disappeared.

“Twenty-four hours? This is too weird.” Alex sighed.

He put off his tuxedo and shoes. He knew he had to act poor to make Isabella beg for their divorce. It’s actually a big ceremony. Noble men and ladies would be in attendance.

Alex put on his torn trousers and tacky shirt, his delivery jacket, and then his old, worn-out sandals. He pretended to be a delivery guy, delivering an anniversary package to Mrs. Madison
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