Henry’s first day at work was really a tiresome one. He had to pay many bills and loans owed by the company. The loan was more than 200 million dollars, the former CEO mentioned earlier. He was much surprised to realise that the so-called multi-billionaire company that everyone envied is in a huge debt of half a billion dollars!

Henry picked up his suitcase to leave the office. He needs to visit Max in the prison before heading to the school to pick Mike.

He walked through the doorway.

“Excuse me sir, please you need to sign this!” Clinton said walking faster towards Henry.

Henry heaved a deep sigh before turning to him.

“What’s that? It's getting late and I need to pick my son from school.” Henry sighed.

Clinton stared at him in confusion.

“When did he get a wife?” He wondered.

“You have a son? How did that happen?” Clinton asked.

“You don't need to know. My sister's son.”

“Ohh, the deaf and dumb boy?!” Clinton laughed.

Henry glared at him in annoyance. H
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