Chapter 143

The healer wizards We're able to treat crystal well enough for him to be discharged just that evening what's the advice to take it slow for a little while and take some much-needed rest that was not the case for Miranda, the situation was not as bad as rexes and virus had been during the mod battle however it was not all that good either and she was still stuck in bed have body aches whenever she tried to move and her friends had to tell her to relax and not force herself.

Well, Crystal had something else to say to her he had marched into her own room where she was being treated and there was a straight tight line on slips that only got tighter when he saw her and then without bothering with any other pleasantries or even looking at his other friends who were sitting by Miranda's bed he said it to her.

"what was the meaning of that?"

That question was so painfully vague that the poor girl had another choice than to look at him from head to toe wondering will turn those few spans of
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