Chapter 144

A clash between Miranda and Crystal was not something that the group had ever really expected to happen, even though Crystal was naturally blunt to everyone including Miranda, there was a special kind of patience that you have for all the members of his team, especially Miranda.

He will take care of her as if she was her arranged guardian or something like that, no matter how much she seem to have done something that would have normally irked him, but it appeared as if he had been holding back a lot of feelings for a long time and does bottle of feelings are finally exploded in the outburst that happened in the healer's building.

Miranda on her own part was expecting him to have an abyss full of patience for her and when he didn't meet that expectation she also flared up as well.

Honestly, they both said hurtful things to each other but the only issue now is who was going to put his or her pride away first to apologize and save the friendship.

But it didn't look like it was going to
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