Chapter 151

"Pathetic, and you call yourself a noble!"

This was something that Miranda had gotten used to being told every single day of her life from the moment that she had been born that she was a failure that would one day disgrace the family and she was pathetic.

All these things that they her she swallowed like a sponge and I've solved it into her life so before she would even make an attempt at learning anything the first thing that would come to her mind was; failure.

She tried to hide it by talking loud and acting as if it didn't affect her even though she would immediately talk about how she was sure somebody was looking down on her.

On the night before her departure to the magical Jerard University, her father called her into his study and then he briefed her on a lot of things one particularly stood out.

"I'm taking you to a Uni, where even someone as pathetic and useless as yourself cannot fail…high scores are practically dished out to nobles, the only thing that you have to do
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