Chapter 10: Escape God's

The problem was God Cahysus was already dead and God Uvel wasn't in this area anymore. With that, Ibuki couldn't get the information he needed. Ibuki was getting frustrated as he doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Frustrated as Ibuki was right now. There's nothing he could do in this situation. The only thing he could do now was to play with God Cahysus corpse.  But soon Ibuki was bored as God Cahysus body had been chop into tiny little pieces.

"I'm so bored, how do I escape from this empty white place!" Ibuki says it in a loud voice.

He then remembers that he unlocks an achievement and still doesn't know what skill he had right now. Ibuki checked his skill.

[Skill Menu]

-Instant Scout*

-Quick Fist*

-Engulfing Flame*

-Pain Absorption*

-God Authority*

"God Authority? What does this skill do..." Ibuki then clicks on the star to see the skill description.

God Authority*

| Granted the user the Power Of God*

"The power of a god? I guess I had to test this out and maybe I could use it to escape this boring place... Active Skill, God Authority!"

Ibuki expected something would happen after the skill had been activated. Nothing happens at all as Ibuki find this skill was useless. It doesn't do anything at all.

"This is dumb! I feel nothing changed at all, doesn't this skill give me the power of god... I can't even get out of this place and teleport back!" Ibuki said that as suddenly something happens.

Ibuki feels his body was suddenly vaporized into thin air as his vision began to fade. He couldn't see anything in a few seconds, the moment he gains his sight back. He realized that he was no longer in the white empty place as Ibuki was in the place where he turns in a skeleton.

Ibuki shock by this situation and he quickly realized that he was teleported back. It was because he said that line before, as he imagines this particular area.

"God Authority does work, is this the only use of God Authority... It should be named teleport!" Ibuki said that as he was dissatisfied with the naming of the skill.

He soon realizes that the skill description does have a star behind it. Ibuki began to think that he should see what it does. When Ibuki click on the star, a bunch of commands appear.

It seems like it was a listing of all the stuff that God Authority could do. There's a fortification, necromancy, and much more magic type of skill. Ibuki didn't expect that the God Authority was this powerful.

"Wait a minute if I had the teleport... Can it teleport me back to Avaricex place?" He said to himself.

If it works, Ibuki could get his revenge again the Demon God Avaricex. With the skill Ibuki had obtained, he begins to think that he might kill Avaricex as he already kills a God. With that, he tried to teleport to Avaricex place.

His wish came true as Ibuki was able to teleport into Avaricex place. "Avaricex! Come out your demon... I come here to kill you!" Ibuki shouted.

The sound of laughter could be heard surroundings Ibuki. Ibuki felt the presence of the Demon God Avaricex near him. He never forgets that presence.

"HAHAHA! The human that I had blessed had return back... I'm surprised that you could be here." Avaricex still couldn't be seen, but Ibuki could hear the demon god voice.

"Blessed? This is a curse, and you will be dead... you should not deceive me!" Ibuki shouted as he was getting angry.

"My blessed human, you couldn't kill me... I am still powerful than you and could obliterate you in a matter of seconds." Avaricex said.

"You shouldn't assume that I am weak, who knows that you will be the one that could be obliterated easily," Ibuki said that.

"You surely had developed a good sense of humour ever since I had sent you to that world," Avaricex said that towards Vicar, the demon god thought it was only a joke.

"My sense of humour is always good. It's just people that don't understand it. But you should know that what I said isn't a joke... I'm really gonna kill you today." Ibuki said that.

"Oh! You seem really eager to do it and with that, I will give you a chance to fight me." Avaricex said that as something began to appear in front of Ibuki right now.

"You finally show yourself!" Ibuki said that it wasn't Avaricex like Ibuki thought it would be when that thing finally appears. He was furious at this Avaricex at this moment, "Coward! Why don't you appear and fight me... Why the fuck you bring up that creature here."

"HAHAHA! Coward? There's no need for me to make my appearance if you couldn't beat that creature I had to summon. Defeat it and you will have the fight you wanted." Avaricex said his condition if Ibuki really wanted to face Avaricex off.

"This will just take seconds..." Ibuki began to inspect the creature closely. He had never seen that kind of thing before.

He notices that it wasn't a creature as it was clearly a monster. The monster was formed with countless corpse together. It was really a horrible sight and disgusting one. Still, it doesn't affect Ibuki at all. This grotesque monster wasn't on his mind as he solely focuses on getting Avaricex to appear.

Ibuki was preparing to attack the grotesque monster with his SoulCursed Scythe. Suddenly the scythe was gone in his hand as he was just about to lunge forward. He quickly realized that this was Avaricex doing.

Ibuki was right as soon after that, Avaricex tells him that he would take back the scythe. "It wouldn't be right if you're gonna fight it with a weapon blessed by me... I wanted to see your real power." Avaricex told Ibuki.

Ibuki didn't reply as begin to show what he could do right now. He then activated all of the skill that he unlocks, "Active Quick Fist, Engulfing Flame, Pain Absorption, God Authority."

Like Ibuki said earlier, he did defeat the grotesque monster within a few seconds. "You think I need the scythe at all. I would defeat you with only my power."

"You have done well my blessed human and with that, you deserve to fight me," Avaricex said that as he then appears in front of Ibuki.

"Is that really you? Wasn't you supposed to be much bigger..." Ibuki still remembers that Avaricex size was much bigger than him when he first me Avaricex.

"This is the real Avaricex, The Demon God that will defeat you. You shouldn't worry about the size as you should be worrying about your fate." Avaricex said that as he begins to approach Ibuki very slowly.

Ibuki was waiting for this moment ever since he has become undead. He immediately charged forwards and wanted to end this quickly. But as soon as Ibuki was about to get near Avaricex, he realized that something is repelling his punches.

He also realizes that Avaricex kept smiling when all of Ibuki punches fail to hit him. Seeing the smile, Ibuki was getting really mad as he feels like he was mock by Avaricex.

It was Avaricex turn to attack. The ground suddenly becomes a lava pit. Ibuki didn't expect that as he immediately falls into the lava. He quickly gets out of there but as soon he resurfaces, Ibuki realized that he wasn't in the same place as before.

Ibuki looked around and noticed that Avaricex also went missing. Ibuki was currently in somewhat a forest area right now. He thinks that this was an illusion created by Avaricex.

"Is this some illusion? Wasn't I supposed to be in Avaricex place..." Ibuki question himself as he then checks his map to make sure.

The weird thing was the layout of his map had changed completely. He then notices that the SoulCursed scythe was lying in the ground. He suspected that it might be a trap from Avaricex and because of that Ibuki didn't bother to pick it up.

But he couldn't find Avaricex on his map at all. There's no red dot appear. Ibuki thinks that Avaricex might use some magic to keep himself undetected. Avaricex was a demon god after all and might possess that kind of magic.

Ibuki then realized that this could be a real place and not an illusion. Avaricex could send him to another site again like when Ibuki into another world in the first place. With that in his mind, he was confident that Avaricex sends him to another location.

Using God Authority skill again, he really wanted to kill Avaricex. But he couldn't teleport to Avaricex place as he stuck in here. Ibuki was somewhat confused about what had happened; he really sure that this place wasn't an illusion at all.

He then checks his skill menu and found out the God Authority skill had been greyed out. Ibuki tried to click on it and suddenly there's a notification telling Ibuki. The skill God Authority had been locked and couldn't be used at all.

"What! I can use it before but why I couldn't now... Did Avaricex do something with my skill?" Ibuki thinks that in his mind right now.

He then remembers about the SoulCursed scythe as he immediately picked it up from the ground. Ibuki realized that there's a reason why Avaricex put the scythe there.

As he touches the SoulCursed Scythe, Ibuki begins to hear a familiar voice within his head. It was Avaricex voice as he was telling Ibuki something important about his condition.

"Sadly, I couldn't give you a chance... You're strong but you can't beat me with the power that I bestowed on you. I could take back the blessings and you would lose all of the power."

Hearing that, Ibuki was feeling mad. He just realized that the power Ibuki had right now all belonged to Avaricex. That's why his punches couldn't hurt Avaricex as it negates each other.

"If you really want to defeat me, you must search for your own power and that's why I send you back into the world. For you to get your own power..." After Avaricex finish what he said, Ibuki feels himself getting weaker.

The scythe in his hand also began to fade away and within a few seconds, it completely disappears. Ibuki realizes that Avaricex does take back all of his power. Ibuki quickly checked whether his character stats do change.





>HP: 100

>MP: 100

>Physical [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]

Strength: 1

Dexterity: 2

Stamina: 3

>Mental [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]

Intelligence: 0

Perception: 0

Wits: 0

>Social  [Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]

Charisma: 0

Manipulation: 0

Appearance: 0

Seeing his character stats, it was confirmed that Avaricex does take away all of Ibuki power. But somehow all of this doesn't affect Ibuki at all.

Ibuki wasn't sad as he was happy for he finally could search for his own power without Avaricex help. He could finally start from the bottom but Ibuki knows that it wouldn't be easy for him to level up. He was just level 1 with 100 HP.

He checked all of his skill and realized that it's all been greyed out as well. It does say that Ibuki needed to get to a certain level to unlock it back.

As he checked his skill, Ibuki remembers something that he had. It could a way for him to get into Max level quickly without any grinding.

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