
As I slowly regained consciousness, the dim light of a solitary lantern cast shadows on the wooden slats that enclosed the small room. A twin bed cradled my weary body, and the unfamiliar surroundings blurred the line between reality and a lingering dream. Glancing over, I found Ellie in a chair, her head rested on the edge of the bed, peaceful in her slumber. The air carried the scent of antiseptic and damp bandages, hinting at recent care. My hand instinctively moved to the bandages encircling the bite on my shoulder, a reminder of the battle with Argren. The foul smell emanating from the wound was unsettling, but I pushed aside the discomfort, my concern shifting to Ellie. Her arm, too, was swathed in bandages, and a visible cut adorned her leg. Relief washed over me; she wasn't hurt too severely. Yet, questions lingered in the still air — questions about where we were, how we arrived here, and what transpired after the chaotic clash with Argren.

I gingerly shifted to awaken her, f
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