I stopped waiting for them to respond because I already knew that whatever they said would only be an attempt to convince us to remain where we were. This is also something that I am partly to blame for, I know. If I hadn't been so irresponsible as to move around on my own right from the start, they wouldn't have been forced to consider hiring additional security personnel in order to ensure that I remained safe.

Recent events have brought to my attention the fact that Julius Silverstone's last will and testament has already been carried out after he passed away as a result of the car accident. Klen and Taylor were both named as my new guardian in my late grandfather's will, which stated that they would serve in that capacity until I reached the age of twenty-one.

At this point in time, it would appear that Claudette is still in her twenties. This came as quite a surprise to me because I had assumed that she was already in her thirties. I was wrong about her age because she seems muc
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