Chapter 40- Demon Herb

They opened their panel and clicked on the notification.

Shawn put the gem in his interspatial space after admiring it.He could not let anything happen to the Gem.

It took some time to read all of them but they where happy that they did.

It literally had a rough map of this place, information about various rare ores that might have been forgotten to be added in the database and their characteristics.

"So this is a rock giant?" Bryan looked awed and confused at the same time.

"Such thing really exist?"

"How come this northerners haven't found it since this is in their territory? " Shawn said while look at Adrian for answers.

"How would I know" Adrian answered while showing he did not know anything.

"I think it has to do with the fact that during the era of Ruins, when the ruins closed, this did not follow the ruins to disappear" Reynold had uncertainty in his voice.

"Then how come the Nazarians haven't found it since it was deposited here?"

"Let's go, we would know after we meet maste
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