
Nebillon city had many markets, there was even a grocery market but players rarely went there, although one could eat in SSO. It was still advised to log out at least once in two months.

As SSO was a prototype it could have many unforeseen side effects, well at least that's what the students thought and the only thing keeping them at bay were these thoughts.

Scarlett made her way into the busy market looking for any life-saving tool although she already had one, it didn't hurt to have another. Losing her hard earn levels was a nightmare, not because she was afraid to fight more creatures but because she had no time. It was just a week before the assessment and losing just one level could spell the end for you.

She then walked into a store that sold accessories made of jade. Most life-saving tools were accessories so a good start.

"Welcome, welcome!!" an enthusiastic voice came from the other side of the counter.

"Hello?" Scarlett tilted her head in confusion. She heard the voice but c
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