Starting The Journey

Few hours later Scarlett logged out. Fortunately, she got almost everything, the one thing remaining was elemental stones, not just hers but for the others too and she was hoping on them to get the coins she needed to buy them.

After putting down her glasses, she was greeted by Maple's angry expression.

"I thought you said it was important?"

"It is important" Scarlett mumbled and then shook her head. She told her everything Alan told her while removing a lot of things though and inputting hers just to be safe.

"How do you even know all of that?" Maple eyed her suspiciously.

"Well actually..." Scarlett tried to explain but she was interrupted by Maple.

"Don't tell if you don't want to. I can't take it when you lie to me" Maple sighed with a dejected look. Ajax wasn't the only reason she was stressed, she had no idea what Scarlett must be going through but she wasn't telling her about it.

Seeing the atmosphere becoming awkward she decided to change the topic.

"Where are your ghost frien
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