Chapter 14: Pretentious

John Percy held a wall next to him as soon as George's unconscious body was carefully moved out of the vehicle. The paramedic team helped him to be put on a stretcher then they left without seeing John Percy around.

He was still in shock. He can't believe he is seeing his best friend inside the car that killed his parents.

Does that mean...

John Percy shook his head. "No. It's impossible. It's not true," he kept on denying. "George is not that kind of person. He isn't like that..."

But no matter what he said, his heart wasn't so convinced. He knew that there was something odd about this part of his past. It is his new memory. He has never witnessed such a horrendous accident in his entire life. He almost wished he did and wanted to avenge his adoptive parents' death. He badly wanted to know. But right now, he didn't know what to say.

How could George ever try to harm his parents? George already knew his parents in the past. He was close to them ever since. How could John Percy think i
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