Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Avon and Lorraine left the kitchen to go check on Kory to see if she’s packing her things and leaving like they wanted.

Arriving at the hallway they met Oscar who had on a forlorn expression and seated on the floor with his back rested on the wall.

Lorraine signaled for Avon to go on and check without him while she approached Oscar to ask what was going on with him.

His daughter is now fine, she’s very sure of it because it was her husband who healed her and made sure of that.

So she wondered in her head on what could have brought him back to expressing quite a wide shade of sadness on his face.

Avon didn’t went on like Lorraine had say, instead took a spot and stood there waiting for her.

Lorraine got to Oscar as she stooped to his position. “Uncle what’s wrong?” She asked in a tone laced with empathy.

Her palm reaching out to soothe his shoulder with some pats. “Nothing is going to happen to Faye again, she’s really fine now. Don’t bother yourself much about her, s
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