Game Plan

The Return Of The General 122.

The Game Plan.

Rhoda sat in front of her husband, who was about to be executed by lethal injection for poisoning her slowly and for the murder of several girls including the dean,He was also persecuted for his criminal act of pedophilia. She had decided to speak with him one last time before his death, but the thought of facing him made her feel sick to her stomach. She could barely bring herself to look at him, let alone speak to him.

Mr. Baker, on the other hand, seemed remorseful and apologetic. He tried to explain his actions, claiming that he was under a lot of stress and that he had never intended to hurt Rhoda. But Rhoda wasn't buying it and she didn't even want to care because she was not the only victim of her husband wickedness. She knew that his words were nothing more than empty excuses, and she refused to let him play the victim card.

"I'm not here for an explanation, Mr. Baker," she said, using his last name instead of the affectionate "
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