It's finally ending!!!

Return Of The 125.

It's Finally Ending!!

Mr Matador was driving at high speed towards the Mexican border, ignoring the incessant buzzing of his phone. He was too preoccupied with thoughts of his past and the present situation. His mind was in a state of chaos as he grappled with the reality of the situation he had found himself in. He wondered if it was bad that he had left Brett behind, but then he comforted himself that after all, Brett wasn't his son. He couldn't let his secret out to the world.

As he approached the border, Mr Matador saw a swarm of police cars and SWAT vehicles surrounding him, and he realized that he had been caught. The police officers immediately cuffed him and took him to the station.

The interrogation room was stark and austere, the kind of room that was designed to make the occupants feel uncomfortable. The walls were gray, and there was only a single table and two chairs in the room. Mr Matador was seated in one of the chairs, while a police officer was s
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