The End

Return Of The General 126.

Happy Ever After.

The sun was shining bright in the sky as guests arrived at the beach where the wedding was taking place. The sound of waves crashing against the shore filled the air, and the sweet scent of flowers from the decorations wafted around the area. Salvador stood at the end of the aisle, nervously waiting for his bride to walk towards him. He wore a well-tailored black suit that fit him perfectly, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Elena looked stunning in her wedding gown as she made her way down the aisle, accompanied by her father. Her long, white dress flowed behind her as she walked, and her hair was styled in soft curls that cascaded down her back. As she approached Salvador, her eyes locked onto his, and the two exchanged a smile.

The Norman family, Elena's relatives, had gone all out to ensure the wedding was a memorable one. The decorations were nothing short of breathtaking, with white and pink flowers arranged taste
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