Truth Revealed:

A week later.

Melvin has resumed work in the company under Shadrach's directive. He acted so neutral and righteous making Shadrach believe that he had truly changed

Leonard was already getting wary. Efforts of getting the evidence he needed seemed to be fruitless as Chandler seemed to have covered his tracks well.

Mega Conglomerate.

The telephone rang disrupting Leonard from his work.


"Leo, we have finally gotten him," Came a reply.

"I'll be there shortly."

The Marshall's Residence.

Shadrach and the whole family watched as Chandler was attended by the doctor. He seemed to be getting weaker by the day and they were being advised to always be with him at all times.

He laid pale on the bed as the doctor checked his vitals.

The door was pushed open and Leonard entered with a grave expression on his face.

"Oh Leonard, you're here," Victor greeted with a smile.

Leonard merely glanced at him and looked intensely at Chandler. "How long can you keep up with this act?"

Chandler l
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