Mafia Wars: The Uprising Billionaire

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Mafia Wars: The Uprising Billionaire

By: MKmanyr OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 81 views: 6.6K

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Antonio, a once-privileged billionaire, experienced a startling turn of events when he was falsely accused and robbed of all his wealth by the government. As if that weren't enough, he was thrown into prison. Sadly, his closest friends became his enemies. Because he was determined to reclaim what was rightfully his, he accepted his criminal background as the heir to a powerful mafia dynasty. It was time for vengeance!

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  • De_law17


    Nothing less than a five start review for this masterpiece, it's highly recommended and a good read. No too much info dumping like others and straight to the point.... oh and the MC is unshakable

    2024-01-17 00:27:43
  • Kabirat Aleem


    This is a great book to invest time in. Beautifully written with an amazing plot.

    2024-01-15 03:29:44
  • Torie_06


    Great book ..., totally recommend you read it. I fell in love with the book as early as chapter 5.

    2023-12-18 08:23:15
  • oladele basit


    Fantastic read, Highly recommended

    2023-12-16 15:30:51


    Highly recommended 🫡

    2023-12-16 04:08:40
  • FightLoveSystem


    Great book! Fell in loveee with it already.

    2023-12-16 01:50:42
  • Abdulwasiu Musa


    What an intriguing plot, kudos to the author ...

    2023-12-15 20:27:10
  • AbdulRasheed Idris


    Interesting book. Kudos to the author

    2023-12-15 17:38:07
  • Michael Francis


    This is a master piece,read this over and over...

    2023-12-15 17:22:26
  • ahmad muhammad


    Very interesting book with an excellent plot and characters

    2023-12-15 17:22:03
  • Jay Kyla


    wow I love this book,more of this please...

    2023-12-15 17:15:49
Latest Chapter
81 chapters
1 Delivery Man
''Just go already, retard.'' A loud, hoarse voice brimming with contempt entered Antonio's ears, as he kick-started the black power bike.Humm! The motorcycle roared to life, and Antonio slightly jerked forward under the propulsion force.Wearing his black helmet, he turned his head in his boss' direction, absorbing his features.His boss, Marco, was a stout grumpy man, his brown hair falling to his shoulders and the few strands of grey hair added to his condescending countenance.Marco's brown eyes watched Antonio's disappearing figure, and he couldn't help but smack his lips in disdain.'Clumsy and foolish.' He murmured, walking back to his office.The tall black gate of the delivery company opened wide, and Antonio rode out of the company at reasonable speed before his boss sued him for who knew what reason.The chilling wind that the winter brought brushed Antonio's leather overcoat, which shielded him from the biting cold. His brown eyes focused on the snow-filled road ahead.Th
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2 Precipice Of Despair
''Is this a joke or what?'' Antonio blurted out, his face contorting with mixed feelings.His brown eyes darted across the room, eventually landing on the clerk, who was smirking.''Have you gone blind? Or suddenly, you do not know how to read any more?'' The clerk retorted, not hiding his tone of ridicule.''What?'' Antonio muttered, with a creased forehead.''Do you think the boss will let you off the hook after messing up with your delivery?'' The clerk, Franco, questioned with bemusement.Antonio was rooted to the spot, and he watched the approaching figure of Franco with furrowed eyes.''Boss has been working with all his bones just to get acquainted with the De Luca suite, yet you ruined it with your dumb brain.'' Franco smirked.Antonio's eyes met Franco, the coldness in them made Franco flinch instinctively, taking a few steps back.''You son of a-''Before he could complete his statement, Antonio lurked in, grabbing the collar of his furry coat.''I bet you to finish that, an
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3 Judas Kiss
''J-jasmine…'' Antonio stuttered, horrified.Before him on his bed was Jasmine, and on top of her…Antonio's body trembled, registering who it was. Alessio?Antonio felt his whole world crumble into dust, his heart, shattering into tiny fragments, broken forever in the endless cycle of agony.Alessio was his bosom friend, they had been friends since they learnt how to talk, and they barely parted, unless when necessary.It was to the point where people often mistook them as real siblings, since he was even closer to Alessio than he was to Michele.Both Alessio and Jasmine were stark naked, and he watched as his bosom friend pounded his wife while fumbling with her tits as though they were his long, lost toys.They were both lost in ecstasy, each in their dreamy world of pain and pleasure, and they hadn't even noticed his presence.''JASMINE!'' Antonio's shrill voice thundered all over the room, making the two culprits come to an abrupt stop.Alessio and Jasmine turned in his direction
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4 Torrent Of Misfortunes
''D-don't tell me.'' The divorce papers fell to the ground, and Antonio glared at Jasmine with murderous intent.''Phew, I was afraid at first that the prison had turned you into a dummy, at least you're still smart as I used to know you.'' It was Alessio who replied this time around, amidst his fervent hot, deep kiss, as his tongue fought with Jasmine's.Antonio's face went blank, devoid of colour. He was momentarily frozen in one place, but soon, the heavy moans in the room jolted him awake.''I'll remember this.'' Antonio's whisper sounded as though it was from the deepest part of hell, making both Alessio and Jasmine shudder.Clenching his fist to stop himself from trembling, he collected the papers on the floor, and turned to leave. Glancing back at them once more, he nodded before walking out of the room.''Uh- uh, lock the door, please.'' Jasmine's voice trailed off, melting in ecstasy.It appeared that since all his properties had been confiscated by the government, Alessio h
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5 A Pauper Has No Say
''Excuse me… nurse, where's my brother?'' Antonio barged into the reception in heavy, fast strides.His gaze wandered from one angle to another, his eyes knitting in subtle apprehension.There were three nurses at the reception, two of them clad in white gowns, while the third who sat in the middle wore a green round-neck top and pants.The one in green had dark circles and eye bags hanging beneath her eyes, as she occasionally stuffed her mouth with popcorn.The other two ladies brimmed with more youthful energy. Their eyes, were sharp and unwelcoming as their gazes shifted towards the approaching figure.''Hey, I'm asking… where's my brother? Can you lead the way… he's not in the usual ward.'' Antonio blurted out everything without taking a break, his tone tinged with bafflement.The three nurses shifted their eyes away from Antonio, treating him as though he were a fart.The older lady in green went back to stuffing herself with more popcorn, while the other two had their eyes glue
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6 The call
A warm, amber light radiated from the chandelier that hung from the alabaster ceiling engraved with beautiful symbols, adding to the ceiling aesthetic.The spacious room was filled with soft light. Like the splendour of dusk, the glass and furniture glistened in the warmth.A man who appeared to be in his late fifties was sitting on a large, brown sofa, with the edges designed with gold and gemstones.He was clad in a jet-black suit, along with a matching pair of shoes. His silver watch reflected the warmth rays from the chandelier, and he breathed in and out softly, enjoying the aromatic fragrance that permeated from the room diffuser.Two, tall, muscular men in black suits were standing behind the man like statues.Their gazes were stagnant, only piercing forward without drifting across the room.The middle-aged man ruffled his short, wavy grey hair, which was styled in a modern quiff with a matte finish, before puffing out a thick smoke from the tobacco in his left hand.Besides h
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7 Leonardo's Frustration
Eli, one of the nurses in a white gown, was done with her morning ward round, and she was preparing to attend to their VIP patients in the special building.The special building was still a part of the hospital building, but it was in the back, and the facilities and services there were thousands of times better than the ones in the regular building.Even though the hospital was among the best in the entire state, the medical services meant solely for the VIPs could compete with other top hospitals across the world.Eli was giggling inwardly, her face revealing a brighter shade, thinking of how lucky she was to have been assigned to the special unit.The hospital management didn't just assign any Tom, Dick, and Harry… they had to consider the doctor's and nurse's experience.Their current standings in the hospital, and overall, which was also the most important, how well connected they were.To put it in a simple word, their influence, and backers.Eli failed terribly at all these cri
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8 Sandra's Astonishment
Feeling Leonardo's gaze from behind, Antonio didn't bother to face him before he murmured, ''You can proceed.''Leonardo and the other two let out sighs of relief, their muscles relaxing.They knew too well how stubborn this young man could be, and even though he had agreed on the phone… he was with the Chairman.He could, at any time, back out from the arrangement, or even force them to do something out of their wills, and that meant embracing death in full arms should the Chairman catch wind of it.Glaring at Sandra, Leonardo brought out a golden card with dark intricate designs at the edges.''Chairman said to give you this.' Leonardo tilted his head, bowing a bit as he handed over the card to Antonio.Richard, the second bodyguard who stood right behind Antonio, went forward.''I'll watch over him, and make sure everything goes smoothly,'' Richard muttered, his husky voice reverberating in Sandra's ears.From the beginning to this point, her heart kept pounding against her chest a
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9 Hurting with words
Antonio rose to his feet, his eyes turning bloodshot with incumbent fury.Yet, he didn't allow his emotions to get a hold of himself, as he soon masked the fury erupting from his face.However, his gaze had yet to shift from the approaching figure.Blue eyes, long wavy, brown hair that fell to her shoulder and a short, beige knitted bodycon that clung to her body, revealing her curves and cleavagesHer coffee brown long coat flowed to her knees, and her knee-length, black boots struck against the floor.Jasmine tied a thick black scarf around her neck, and her flora cologne drifted out, permeating everyone's nostrils.Leonardo and company had risen to their feet immediately after they saw Antonio's countenance fall, and their eyes pierced into the new arrival with cold intents.Leonardo and Richard knew a bit of the happenings lately, and they could already guess who this lady was, however, they didn't interrupt or utter anything.They only stood beside Antonio, ready to intervene sho
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10 Unknown Attackers
Antonio glanced at Michele with a heavy expression, but he soon let out a soft sigh of relief.'At least it's settled now,' he muttered to himself.They'd already been moved to the VIP building, and Michele's treatment had begun.His chemotherapy session was scheduled for Friday evening, afterwards the surgeries would follow.Skimming through the document for the last time, Antonio scribbled on it with an unreadable expression.''Pass it to her.'' He folded the paper and handed it to Leonardo.He didn't need to be told whom Antonio was referring to, he nodded with all seriousness as he received the document.Having finished his business here in the hospital, well, at least at the moment. Antonio stood up, pushing the white chair he was sitting on just now as he headed for the door.Leonardo and Richard followed suit, the former was a few steps ahead on the right while the latter was standing just behind Antonio on his left.They soon found their way out of the magnificent building as
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