Chapter 273

Jace stands up to attack, but Charlotte brings him to the ground again, he was powerless against her, and that is because, she is older.

Gianna remains on the floor, she would rather not partake in the combat lessons, Charlotte is not human.

«Currently Three Years Later»

“Get up Jace, you are a man, don't tell me you can't defeat a woman”

Jace finally burst out.


Gianna joins her brother immediately, that is the only way to escape Charlotte's wrath.


Charlotte covers her face, she can't believe these kids' characters, they will surely face hell when her father takes the job.

“Quiet already!”

The door opened and Clara entered.

She glances at Jace and Gianna on the floor, as always, Charlotte had taken them down.

“Charlotte your mom is calling you”

Charlotte step to Clara.

“Auntie Clara, is my father coming today”

“Yes, he is coming”

Charlotte's cheeks covered her eyes, she hasn't seen her father for a longtime, finally she gets to see him today.


she rushed to answe
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