Chapter 48, Home Of Bees

Chapter Thirty Eight; Home Of Bees.

“Home of Bees!” That was what was written on the sign board.

Lucas looked at what would probably give him one of the greatest opportunities in his life and entered through the small gate in between the short fences.

Lucas entered and saw a very beautiful flower garden in the enclosure.

There was a variety of flowers from lavender, bee balm, blanket flower and a lot of flowering herbs, including berries and many other flowering fruits and vegetables.

Somehow, the owners of the place were able to have at least a bunch of these flowers in the enclosed surrounding that ended up giving a very beautiful view and at the same time creating a great scenery.

If someone was an emotional being and would easily get worked up and anxious, then just looking at this view would easily calm the person down and reset all the nerves that had been tampered.

And right in the centre of the enclosed place was a giant mason bee house.

There were other beehives around and Lu
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