Chapter 51

The door opened and one of her guards brought a small girl in.

The girl had snow-white hair that fell past her shoulder. Her hair was dirty and messed up at the moment but it could only be an impressive sight once it was cleaned.

She looked at the girl who had passed out at her feet for a few moments. Her eyes scrutinized the girl thoroughly. She was looking for what made her feel different about this girl, however, the girl looked ordinary.

Was it something else and she'd associated it with the wrong person?

She looked through the windows on both sides of the carriage to be sure but she felt nothing different.

"Take her to an infirmary and pay for her treatment. She is to visit when she gets better"

The guard nodded and carried the girl out of the carriage to carry out her instructions.

Her ride continued through the city till she got bored and returned to her house.


The was the sharp sound of a whistle. It came from the front of the carriage.

There were a few more that followed
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