Chapter 2: The Live in Son-In-Law

The doctor sighed and bowed his head slightly, "If you don't provide it in the maximum of ten days, I'm afraid to say, you're Nana may not make it out alive!

Elliot eyes widened, "May not make it out alive?"

The doctor nodded slightly, as he adjusted his big black glasses fixated on his eyes.

Elliot's heart banged loudly, it seemed like he was going to have a cardiac arrest, his Nana hasn't even reaped the fruits of her Labour on him yet, she can't just die now.

His mind drifted off to Hannah, maybe her Grandmother could take pity on him and lend him the amount he needs, after all, they are rich.

Not pressing forward, he bid the doctor goodbye and zoomed off on his bike. He had no time to waste! To him, time was very precious.

As he entered the Hart's mansion, every where was busy, the balloons were being taken down, the floor were being swept and everyone seemed to be going home. The music was faintly heard.

"Was the party already over?" He asked no one in particular. 

From a distance, he saw Hannah fuming towards him in great anger, he gulped as he walked towards her.

"So? What do you have to say for Yourself?" She asked boring her eyes into his, trying to fathom what was going on in his head.

He stammered not knowing what to say, "Nana is sick, and I need fifteen thousand dollars. Can you lend me?"

Hannah scoffed in disbelief, "You didn't attend the party and now you're asking me for money? Where in the world do you think I can find such amount of money. And even If I do, I can't just give you to use it and save your old stricken Nana"

Elliot was dumbfounded, now he was really doomed, as if the humiliation wasn't enough,  he saw Lady Hart walking towards him with Collins and his wife.

Immediately Lady Hart was near enough to him, she raised up her hands and slapped him. The sound resounded throughout the almost empty room, then she smiled mischievously.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't the live in son-in-law, that my useless grand-daughter wants to get married to. What brings you here?" Lady Hart said the moment she was near Elliot. Then, she pointed around, "As you're not blind, I'm sure you can see the party is over."

Elliot bowed slightly as usual not uttering a word against them, Lady Hart scoffed, she hated his silence, she battered her eyelashes in anger looking at him with utmost disgust "Even if you didn't attend my party, where is my gift?" 

She stretched her hands out obviously demanding her gift be given to her. Elliot gulped as his heart beat raced, but he still decided to ask for what he really came here for.

"Grandmother, i-" His words were cut short.

"How many times will I have to remind your brain that I am not your Grandmother.  Correct yourself this instant! I can't be a Grandmother to a useless young man," She commanded giving out a chilly vibe.

"I'm sorry, Lady Hart, my Nana is in a severe condition and I need your help, she's being hospitalized and needs a total of fifteen thousand dollars to get her surgery done."

Lady Hart was shocked, she looked at him with disbelief and laughed heartily. This man had the guts, "You're joking right?" 

She looked at his face and saw no hint of joke, then she straightened her face, "What a loser! You better not get on my bad side or else, you won't like it!" She glared at him with bulging eyes.

Hannah quickly interrupted "Grandmother,  he is not a loser, take it easy on him, he's human too." 

Lady Hart was dumbfounded, was her grand-daughter supporting her wretched fiance? She couldn't believe her ears, she waved her head angrily while pointing at Hannah "Don't involve yourself in this, Hannah. Your situation is different from his!"

Lady Hart faced Elliot, her face burnt with anger while Collins and his wife stared on with amazement. 

Collins wife tapped Lady Hart gently on her shoulder, with the intention of spicing up the trouble, "Infact Grandmother, Henry bought a house to your name for your birthday gift" 

Like a machine being controlled , Lady Hart's face lit up like the brightest morning star, one thing about her was that she loves to have the most expensive items to herself. Her happiness knew no bounds. 

Elliot disrupted her happiness "Lady Hart, about you lending me the money, I'd repay you soon if you could lend me that amount. I can even serve you for the rest of my life for that."

Hannah batted her eyelashes in disbelief, did he really loved his Nana that much? She immediately faced her Grandmother "Grandmother, just lend him the money, he'll return it back"

Before everyone could come to thier senses, Lady Hart walked towards her grand-daughter and gave a hot slap that vibrated around the almost empty room.

Everyone including Collins and his wife's mouth were opened agape, everyone present there was shocked, Lady Hart's favourite grandchild was Hannah, how would she slap her favorite child?

With eyes full of fury, Lady Hart said to Hannah "Look at yourself, your wretched fiance just appeared before me and began begging for money while Henry gave me a reasonable gift." As she yelled with great anger, her eyes flashed and she was quiet, a thought zoomed her mind and she loved it.

With a more quiet and sweeter tone, she looked forward to Elliot trying to avoid Hannah's gaze, "Bow down before me and I'd give you the amount you need"

Collins and his wife were amused, "It just keeps getting better!" He muttered to him self while Hannah's eyes widened, the humiliation was enough already, this was just too much. 

Her heart skipped, she glanced at Elliot and his eyes were straight, she fixed her eyes at him trying to fathom what he was thinking but she just couldn't. 

Before she could blink an eyelid, Elliot bended a bit and began to bend down little by little, his eyes were closed shut as he endured the humiliation. 

Hannah yelled at the top of her voice, she couldn't keep on looking like this "No!!" And before anything could be said, she dragged him out of the room.

Her legs walked faster than usual as she didn't bother looking back, what her Grandmother did was just too cruel.

They stopped in front of a little building, her face looked tired from all the stress, "Are you out of your mind? How could you want to do what she says?"

Elliot took a step backwards and brushed his  hair using his hands in frustration, "If I wasn't going to do it, then who would have given me the money for my Nana's surgery?"

Hannah sighed and kept quiet, she looked on in deep thoughts.

"I would have," She said slowly looking at his eyes.

Elliot was dumbfounded, his heart warmed up at her words, without thinking further, he hugged her tightly, at least he knows that his Nana wasn't going to die and she was good hands.

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