Chapter 5. The Emperor's New Body

The Emperor's New Body

"What do you mean I have to die first?" Jiar asked, visibly surprised.

Althea giggled and patted him on the back. "Don't worry. It will be just a fraction of a second. Since you are still working under patterns of your old body, you cannot use the new one to the best of its potential."

The King shrugged, still unable to understand what the dark elf meant.

Althea approached him, went on her tiptoes, and placed a finger between his eyes. "Hold your breath," she whispered.

Jiar did so.

"Itero Renovo," she chanted. The boy felt as if he were being sucked into a void. Pitch-black darkness fell onto him; he panicked, looking for a way out. A hand appeared from nowhere in the dark, held his arm, and tugged him into the light.

"There! We are done!" Althea declared.

Jiar's eyes fluttered open. "What the hell was that?"

The dark elf smiled devilishly. "You experienced death for a fraction of a second. In the meantime, I destroyed all remnants of your old body."

Jiar exhaled and wished he hadn't agreed to the reset. But as he tried to move his limbs, he felt an increased sense of balance and strength.

"I feel different."

Althea nodded. "You are fully integrated into your new body, my King. Now we need to train to develop speed, strength, and magical capabilities."

"How exactly?" Jiar inquired.

"Notice that your perception has greatly increased, and your senses are heightened more than others of your race." the dark elf said.

Jiar relaxed and focused on his senses. The first thing he observed was the powerful sense of smell. "Vulorite berries. I can smell them nearby. About a mile due south. These are the same as those in the Royal gardens but are ripe and wild."

"Excellent, my King!" Althea praised. "What else?"

Jiar cleared his mind of distractions and kept his eyes closed.

He could hear and discern most sounds of nature. The blossoms fluttering in the wind, leaves falling on the forest floor, and tree animals frolicking on high up on the branches. A sense of danger flicked through his mind as he heard a particular species growling in the distance. "Blood wolves. About three files to the northwest."

Jiar's perception, combined with his knowledge, was bringing up miracles.

"Good now, do you understand?" Althea asked.

The King nodded. He had already observed that his eyes could zoom like a falcon's. He could see at least a mile ahead with startling accuracy. "

Althea clapped her hands merrily. "Now that you are well accustomed to your body let us begin your training. We can first test your speed."

"Do you want me to run?" Jiar asked with amusement. The dark elf shook her head. She put a finger to her lips and pointed deeper into the forest. "Do you see it?"

Jiar nodded. "A lightning fox."

"Yess. I need you to race it."

"You must be kidding me," the boy protested in a whisper. "They are one of the fastest species on the planet."

Althea shrugged with a naughty expression.

Jiar sighed and focused on the animal. It was nibbling on a Siklian flower. The boy had read that lightning foxes recharged themselves by feeding on flowers, the same way hummingbirds got hyper on nectar.

He began walking towards the fox. He began to jog and then further increased his speed.

Zoom! The fox heard a twig snap, and it was off like a streak of lightning.

Jiar strained his senses to keep up. Combining his enhanced sight and hearing, he could pinpoint exactly where the fox was.

The boy broke into a run as the fox bolted away with incredible speed. As soon as Jiar overcame human speed, he stumbled on a root and fell on his face.

He got to his feet, spat out a mouthful of dirt, and resumed his run.

He tripped again but tapped into his sense of balance and did not fall. Once, twice, he kept on stumbling but recovered almost instantly owing to his enhanced body.

"I need to get acquainted with the speed," he told himself. "Also, I can't lose sight of the fox..."

He turned his head to see Althea. She had translucent sprouted wings and was following him. 'Damn, that's convenient,' he thought. She flashed him two thumbs up, urging him to go on.

The fox had already gained some ground. It would be physically impossible for regular Koondarrian to catch up, even on a trained horse.

But Jiar already had a grip on his abilities. He strained his joints and muscles and shot forward with blazing speed. Trees whipped past him like a blur. He had caught up to the lightning fox in a minute, running by its side. He tried to flash a smile to the creature.

The fox was visibly shocked and turned abruptly, trying to escape his pursuer. It was not normal for a two-legged being to catch up to its species in speed.

Jiar also changed direction quickly, still running beside the lightning fox.

The beast stopped abruptly, rising on its haunches. Jiar stopped as well. The fox bared its fangs, raring to attack the boy.

Jiar took a step back. He wasn't ready to fight an innocent animal.

"Come here, girl..." Althea called out. She had reached their location in a minute.

The fox turned towards her, and its expression softened. It ran towards the girl as she knelt.

'There, there..." the dark elf cooed, running her fingers through the animal's fur. The lightning fox cuddled against her wagging its tail as if it had found a lost friend.

"All they need is some love," Althea said, releasing the fox into the forest again. "But you did pass the test, my King."

Jiar nodded. While his own increased capabilities exalted him, he was also transfixed by the dark elf's connection with nature and her knowledge of everything around her. Who was she, really?

Althea put on a gleeful smile. "Now, on to the next test. Let's get a measure of your physical strength."

"You won't even let me rest, huh?" the boy complained as the dark elf held his hand and led him away from the location.

"Where are you taking me?" Jiar asked curiously. It was already noon, and he was hungry. He picked a Quilon apple and munched on it. A juicy fruit after a run really hit the spot.

They stopped for a drink near a springlet and continued till they reached a hilly area.

A series of caves lined the hill slopes, and Althea stopped by one of them. She smelled the air as if taking in information. Jiar tried to follow suit. He smelled wet, musky fur but had no idea which animal was nearby.

"Go in," she instructed. "You'll find your test of strength inside."

The boy raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to lift rocks inside or something?"

Althea shrugged again, meaning she wasn't inclined to reveal anything else.

"Fine," Jiar said with resignation and walked inside. There was pitch-black darkness, but his enhanced eyes adjusted quickly. It was as if he had night vision.

"What now?" the boy asked, turning around. He tried to move out of the cave, but something blocked his path. He pushed but could not exit. An invisible barrier stood at the mouth of the cave.

Jiar turned his eyes to Althea, and she was grinning ear to ear.

"You! This is your magic! Let me out!" He punched against the barrier, but physical strength was useless against magical protection.

"Not yet, my King," Althea replied with a devilish smile. "You can come out once you have faced your test. You must wrestle your opponent to death to gauge your raw strength!"

From inside, a fierce growl echoed, sending a chill down the boy's spine. Everything clicked into place in his mind: the animal's growl, the cave's location.

Jiar was locked inside a monstrous Devil Bear's cave!

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