Chapter 4. ••The Coronation••

Chapter 4

The Coronation

Jiar eyed Kumoria's escape without emotion. Part of him was still in denial that his father had been murdered by his uncle. He wished all of it were a lucid nightmare, and he would wake up anytime to see the King still alive and well.

Moments passed as he stood watching the corpse of his parent. However, the pain in him did not flare. Usually, he would break down when faced with such tragedy. Perhaps his new body had better control over emotions.

Jiar knelt by the King's corpse and prayed.

Althea turned into her dark elf skin. "I'm sorry for your loss, my prince," she consoled him with a hand on his head. "He may not have been a great king, but he loved you, nonetheless..."

Jiar shook his head and got to his feet. His sharp ears picked up the noise of a multitude in the castle courtyard.

Althea accompanied him into the secret elevator, and they descended to the ground floor. Just as the lift was about to open, the dark elf became an intangible mist and hovered around the Prince's wrist.

Jiar raised his hand and saw a black, ornate bracelet on his wrist. "You can summon me as a person or as a weapon anytime," she whispered telepathically.

The elevator opened, and Jiar's ears rang with tumultuous voices. Outside, three battalions of soldiers stood in the courtyard, ready to rush into the castle.

Nobles, priests, and royal staff ran around anxiously.

Jiar remembered that the army could not get into the throne room without royal permission.

He smiled bitterly. 'You people are too late,' he thought.

As he walked into the bustling crowd, people began noticing the tall, majestic individual in the Prince's robes.

"Who is he?"

"Why is he wearing the prince's clothes?"

"He looks like Prince Jiar, doesn't he?"

"Enough!" A loud voice boomed, bringing order to the noisy crowd. Jiar recognized it as belonging to General Kurion, the most influential among the kingdom's war generals.

"Let the young man pass!"

The crowd parted and made a path as Jiar walked through and approached Kurion.

"Your Grace, you look different. What happened inside?" the General greeted with a bow.

The crowd looked confused and gossiped among themselves.

"Everyone, this is Prince Jiar!" Kurion announced. "He must have gone through a magical awakening, but you can still recognize him."

The soldiers and nobles voiced their admiration.

Jiar sighed. The General must have lived long enough to see warriors' physical and magical transformations.

"What happened inside?" Kurion asked again, his voice somber. Perhaps he could feel the tragedy.

"The King is no more!" the Prince announced. "My uncle Kumoria killed him in cold blood!"

The soldiers and nobles gasped. The women began bawling in sorrow. A general commotion began.

"Silence!" Kurion boomed. The crowd simmered down. He ordered a team to extract the King's corpse. He also sent a messenger to get Prime Minister Salkion.

"This is a tragic day for the kingdom," he voiced. "What happened to the assassins, your grace?"

"They are dead. But my traitor uncle escaped."

The General issued a few more orders for proceedings and then led Jiar to the nearest room in the castle.

"I am sorry for your loss, your grace. But I must ask of you something very important."

Jiar sighed. He had gotten his bearings back. He looked like a majestic warrior, but deep inside, he was still a teenager coming of age.

General Kurion spoke with a heavy tone. "Prince Jiar Jarezon. You are the heir to the throne. You must ascend as the King and ruler of Luxar effective immediately!"

The boy shook his head. "I don't want the throne."

Kurion was taken aback. In most kingdoms, royals would kill to usurp the throne. Kumoria's betrayal was a good example. And yet, the boy was refusing the crown? He used to have a low opinion of the Prince, but now he looked at him with admiration.


Just then, a heavy-set man in a white robe entered the room. He had a golden band around his neck.

"Prime Minister Salkion," General Kurion said. "The Prince has refused to accept the throne."

Salkion nodded and sat by Jiar. The boy was more familiar with him than with Kurion.

"Your father always trusted me, your grace. I hope you extend the same sentiment to me. The kingdom will fall within a month in the absence of a ruler. You can take my word for it."

Jiar raised his eyes at Salkion. "What do you mean? Isn't Luxar the most well-administered kingdom of Koondarr?"

The Prime Minster shook his head. "Quite the opposite. Luxuar had many golden years under your father. However, after the Queen's death, the King spiraled into depression. He spent less and less time listening to the grievances of his subjects. Nobles and merchants took advantage of his negligence and spread corruption throughout the kingdom. The taxes are huge and unfair. Illegal trades and trafficking are quite common. People have lost trust in the administration. Luxar is rotting, your grace."

Jiar stroked his chin and went into deep thought. He had planned to relinquish the throne and let his younger brother be the King. However, considering the present situation, that would be unwise. Luxar not only needed a strong ruler but a savior.

"Accept your destiny," Althea's soothing voice whispered in his mind.

Jiar stood and took a deep breath. "General Kurion. Prime Minister Salkion."

"Yes, your grace?" they said in unison.

"Make preparations for the coronation. I will take the reins of the kingdom."

Kurion and Salkion also rushed to their feet.

"That is excellent news!"

"However, I need a quick and modest ritual within the hour," Jiar added. "Following the ceremony, invite nobles from all provinces and departments to the throne room for a deliberation."

They nodded, bowed, and left to carry out the Prince's orders.


Jiar walked alone in the sacred groves of the royal gardens. He had dismissed his kingsguard for an hour.

Inspite of Jiar's instructions, the coronation had taken over four hours the previous day. Luxar was a kingdom that stayed true to its traditions. The Royal Priest, Lukar, from the temple of Grundar, had himself arrived to carry out the ceremony.

While there was a general lull among citizens due to the former King's death, they were also excited to see how King Jiar would rule. News of his new appearance and magical awakening had spread like wildfire, and people from afar had come to witness his coronation.

Althea turned into her dark elf form and walked beside Jiar. The boy had been uncomfortable at first. Having an attractive young girl around him all the time was unconventional. However, he felt a strong attachment to her and learned to enjoy her presence. After all, she had saved his life and given him powerful gifts.

Still, a part of him had doubts about her intentions.

Althea skipped through the groves and smelled fire lilies and jade orchids.

"I missed the natural world all these centuries," she said cheerfully, frolicking around the gardens.

"Ah, is this the Ukorine fruit?" she asked, plucking a shiny red fruit from a low-hanging branch.

"How come you know about everything? Weren't you locked up for centuries?"

Althea giggled and winked. "Dark elves, especially those like me, are at one with the universe. We know the past, the present, and the future. Nothing in nature is hidden from us."

"Oh?" Jiar said. "Have you seen my future as well?"

The girl shrugged. "It does not work like that, my King," she said, taking a bite of the juicy Ukorine. "Things that are magical and bear the weight of destiny, I cannot see them. Besides, I am not as powerful as I used to be. I need to eat and replenish."

She ate the fruit whole and spat out the seeds.

Jiar raised an eyebrow. "I thought dark elves only consumed souls."

Althea nodded. "Souls are necessary for my magic to stay alive. But now that I am freed, I need to eat real food to develop this juvenile body," she said, cupping her bosom.

Jiar blushed and looked away.

The girl giggled and took his arm. "Let's go," she urged him deeper into the gardens.

Almost half an hour later, they had reached the Royal Forests bordering the castle. There was a magical barrier that prevented wild animals from crossing over. But Jiar and Althea could walk across to the outside.

"What is it?" the young King inquired.

"You must explore the abilities of your new body, my King. War is coming to your doorstep soon."

"But why? I fought off so many assassins all by myself."

"Perhaps it was a mix of adrenaline and instinct. Moreover, you used my remnant magic and not yours."

Jiar nodded. He had failed to make spells work and often lost control of his limbs. It was as if he was living in someone else's body.

Jiar looked around at the natural surroundings and perked up. He had to get stronger to face Kumoria's army.

"Okay, tell me what I have to do."

Althea smirked. "You have to die first."

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