Troubled Routes

Chapter 9.

Bukoi River.

The long river that flows through Luxar, this river descends from the great Sangar Mountains south of Luxar.

This river had a variety of fish living in it as this world had an earthlike scenery as the grass along the river banks were green.

Beautiful flowers grew by the river banks in colors of purple, orange and pink as the beauty of the Bukoi river was visible, that even the blind could see it.

It had a serene environment as the florescent smells wafted through the air, and the blades of grass danced to the rhythm of the wind.

A ship approached from afar as it drew closer to the river banks, it stopped as it's engines were powered down this was a cargo ship carrying goods from neighboring kingdoms or cities.

Luxar Kingdom had good relationship with other kingdoms, this made it possible to import goods they couldn't produce.

The Bukoi River stretched across five kingdoms it was regularly used as a trading route, between these kingdoms as it enabled kingdom
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