Chapter 296: Raymond Game Of Kiss
Raymond's proposal hung in the air like an unexpected gust of wind, leaving everyone momentarily stunned. The place buzzed with a mix of surprises as the implications of his suggestion sank in.

Cordelia's expression transformed in an instant, her initial happiness giving way to a flicker of disgust. The idea of such a crude and inappropriate reward unsettled her, and she exchanged a swift, incredulous glance.

Cordelia cleared her throat, her voice cutting through the uneasy silence that had settled over. "I must say, Raymond, that adding such a... personal element to the game doesn't seem appropriate," she began, her tone firm yet diplomatic.

"We're here to enjoy a friendly competition, not to engage in antics that could potentially make anyone uncomfortable.”

Shulamite nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Cordelia's sentiments. "I agree," she chimed in, her voice steady. "We should focus on the financial aspect of the game and leave out any... extraneous rewards."

Dragon Sly

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