Heartfelt Conversations Or Not

As Arnold stepped out of his car and started walking forward, he noticed that his leg felt heavy.

To his left, in the property of the abandoned warehouse, was parked a nice Chevrolet automobile; not that he gave a damn about the car or its owner, but it was parked there anyway.

At this moment, he was simply so preoccupied with other things.

As he approached the front of the warehouse, there were guns pointed in his direction.

After determining that he was unarmed and doing a search on him, one of the guys got closer to him. After the search, they tied his hand behind his back and pulled him inside in a disrespectful manner.

"Ahaaaaa!!!" When Lucas saw Arnold being shoved in front of the enormous entryway, he immediately let out an excited exclamation.

"You have made it! Finally!! We are in complete agreement with one another. He said this while getting closer to Arnold and hugged him tightly before tapping him on the back. After that, he stepped back.

“Where is my fiancee?” Arnold g
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