John & Lucas

"How? How?? How??!! How are they here? Isn't that darned Larry outside?! Did he let them in?!" Lucas shook with fear, his guess was that Larry had decided to throw him away.

The harsh truth was – they stood no chance against this overwhelming might and number of henchmen.

The executives had immediately rallied all the gang members, regardless of where they were, all of them were to meet at the location and what was fifty to one was now a situation of fifty to two hundred.

"Arrrgghhh!! Damn it!! Attack them!! Tear them apart!!" Lucas commanded.

But he didn't know those he was about to deal with, with their boss laying lifeless on the ground, rage burned in them like a volcano, they growled like wild animals and with a loud shout, they also moved and thus began the chaos.

As the conflict began, mayhem reigned, and the air resonated with an ensemble of violence.

Fists flew with almost preternatural accuracy, while kicks landed with balletic grace.

Men carried weapons of unalterable tena
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