Jason eyes bored into Lisa's head as they rode the elevator up to the twentieth floor.

Seeing Lisa with hier boyfriend made him upset not because he liked her but because he didn't think he was good enough for her, at least that was what he told himself. The truth was that he was jealous not to mention confused as to when she found herself a boyfriend. Just yesterday, she was dancing in the park with him and now she had gotten herself a boyfriend?

He not only didn't like him, He thought he was an asshole with a the personality of a street urchin. He couldn't understand what the fuck an elegant woman like Lisa could possibly see in a man like that.

Lisa could feel Jason's eys boring through her skull from behind

She held her breath as he tension in the elevator thickened. She was trying not to turn around because she knew exactly what she'd meet, Jason's angry eyes.

She didn't know what was going through his head but whatever it was couldn't possibly be good, not with the way he was
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