Rise of The Unknown Billionaire

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Rise of The Unknown Billionaire

By: Trover OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 136 views: 16.2K

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Ethan Astor lived an average life. He was a responsible man who worked very hard as a cleaner to provide for his wife and his younger siblings. But one day, he stumbles into his wife having an affair with one of the big shots of the city and he confronts them. But he gets kicked out of the house by Philip. From that moment onwards, Ethan's life comes crashing down as something shocking about his wife was revealed to him. Ethan was meant to be scarred for life until he gets a call that turns his life around. How is he going to deal with the people who treated him as a joke and a tool for their own pleasure? Would Ethan ever find true love? This is a tale of Ethan's rise to power and him claiming the rightful life he deserves!

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  • Charity Eze


    Thank you for keeping me glued to my phone with your story. Next chapter please

    2024-01-06 20:39:59
  • testerrrr


    tttt i love you so much and i'm

    2024-04-18 17:25:20
  • testerrrr


    nice to meet you too my friend

    2024-04-18 17:25:05
  • Venomrulz


    Great book until around Chapter 90

    2024-04-29 03:45:53
Latest Chapter
136 chapters
Chapter 1
Ethan sighed as he parked his old and rickety car in front of a mansion. He turned off the engine and the car went off with a strange noise, but it was not new to Ethan. It had happened numerous times before. "This old thing is done for. I'll have to fix it before it will move again." Ethan grumbled with disappointment written all over his face. He took his equipments from the car and went into the mansion. He was there to work as a cleaner. The company he was working for had sent him to clean such a big mansion alone when it should have been the work of several people. 'This is a lot of work. I'll have to use painkillers after today.' He thought inwardly with a worried face. He passed the security after they confirmed his identity and walked into the house. The butler greeted him at the door of the building and guided him to where he would start the cleaning. Ethan had a lot of cleaning to do so he got started immediately. *** It was in the afternoon. Ethan had cleaned several
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Chapter 2
Ethan made his way to the nearest police he could find by the road and tried to report Philip. But once the Police heard what Ethan had to say, he hissed in annoyance. "Go back to your house if you don't want to be arrested. You're being a nuisance." The policeman said in a voice tinged with annoyance. Ethan had approached the policeman still in his cleaning jumpsuit which was dirty. From the moment the policeman heard the name of Philip Carnegie from Ethan's mouth, he didn't even try to hear Ethan out. He already considered as a pauper who was trying to fight against the rich. Ethan was dumbfounded at the coldness of the police man. He looked at his dirty clothes but he couldn't get rid of it since his proper clothes was still in Philip's house and he had been kicked out of the house. Ethan went back to his house with dejection. He entered the house that he had been living in for almost a year now. It wasn't his house, when he wanted to marry Sophia, he told her to wait since he c
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Chapter 3
"What?!" Ethan blinked in confusion. It was as though he didn't hear correctly."You're not deaf are you?" Mrs Phoebe asked, a tinge of irritation coating her voice. "Get out of my office. I do not want to see your face here again." She said. Ethan was dumbfounded. "Why are you doing this?" He asked with a shaky tone. "I don't have a choice, alright? Don't take it too personal. You should have focused on your job and not disturb the client who was enjoying himself in his own house." Mrs Phoebe said. It seems like someone was behind this. "Did Philip put you up to this?" Ethan asked, his anger began to simmer again. "Keep your voice down." Mrs Phoebe said as she glanced about as though she didn't want anyone else to hear their conversation. "Don't cause trouble for me. I just tf you that you're fired so get out of my office before I call the guards to carry you out." She said. Ethan had no choice but to turn around in defeat. His mind was already a chaotic mess by now. He turned
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Chapter 4
Ethan was too familiar with the streets. How could he not? He had grown up there, in the orphanage that took him in ever since he lost both his parents. It was the house that had housed him and made sure that he was able to grow up without starving to death. Even though life there wasn't the best or the most comfortable, Ethan had a multitude of fond memories there. But it had been a while since he had left the orphanage, since he graduated and got married, he had begun to live there as a grown man. He took a pause in the middle of the road before he turned a corner leading to the orphanage. 'I should not be going back there. A lot of those children look up to me and now I'm back because I've failed as a man and I've been rendered homeless.'Ethan had such thoughts even though his going back to the orphanage wouldn't really bother the kids. They loved him very much but Ethan could only see himself as a liability. But he didn't have a choice, there was nowhere else to go. After all
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Chapter 5
Andrew handed the phone over to Ethan. "He is ready to talk to you." He said. Ethan was still in disbelief after hearing that he had a father. His mind was racing through with thoughts on how such a thing was possible. If he hasd a father then why had he been living in an orphanage all his life? Why had his father never shown himself? If his father could afford a bodyguard like Andrew, then that meant he had to be rich. So why hadn't he been there for him all his life?Ethan was beginning to fume with anger as he took the phone from Andrew. "Are you my father?" Ethan asked with a tone that contained a bit of ferocity. "Ethan? Oh my god, it's finally good to hear your voice. I'm so sorry Ethan." An old voice replied Ethan, the words took Ethan by a bit of surprise but he didn't change his expression. "Who are you? Are you my father?" He asked again. "Calm down Ethan. Yes, I'm your father." The man replied with a cough. "I know you must be angry and will have many questions in y
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Chapter 6
Andrew drove Ethan in the luxurious car to a mini mansion on the outskirts of the city. Ethan has a lot of emotions that were still surging through him on the way but he was still left a bit awed the moment he took in the sight of the cozy mansion. Even though that bastard Philip had a larger house, it couldn't compare to the grandeur of this house that he had just arrived at. However, he wasted no time and was guided into the lavish building by Andrew."No need to be so tense, young master. It is just one of the numerous little hideouts that belong to your family. It is where I stay every time your father asked me to check on you." Andrew revealed. Ethan nodded his head and took his mind off the matter. "So explain, who are these people who chased my father to the brink of death and also made him abandon me all this while?" Ethan asked with slight anger in his tone. Andrew immediately got serious and wasted no time in filling Ethan in on all the details about his family and thei
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Chapter 7
"What?!" Ethan was dumbfounded. A scandal? Ethan couldn't understand why someone would do such a thing. He wasn't a popular person, so he assumed no one in their right minds would choose to mess with him in such a way. "Let me see it." Ethan said as Andrew reluctantly gave him the tablet. What Ethan saw shocked him. It was a hot headline on the internet about Ethan the pauper who had manipulated Sophia into marrying him while he also prevented her from seeing the love of her life, Philip. It said that she finally was able to break free of his manipulation and went to see Philip for help. Then Ethan disguised as a cleaner to get Sophia back in his control.The information also labelled Philip as Sophia's saviour as he chased Ethan away. Ethan's face crumpled in disgust at the ridiculous thing he had just read and he flinged the tablet onto the floor with an angry face. In the first place, it was Sophia who had deceived and manipulated him into marriage. He never for once got to kn
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Chapter 8
Geneva city was a big city which had different parts with different perks and qualities. There was a part of the city which belonged to the wealthy and influential in the city, only rich people could live there so the poor and average had no business going there for anything except as a worker. Close to the center of the area a mansion stood proudly with a wide compound. The walls of the property wasn't tall in order to show the wealth of the family that lived there. It was a well known mansion in the community. In an intricately decorated room of the mansion, Sophia was pacing about with a pensive and annoyed look on her face as she waited for her parents to arrive in the room.It was evident that she was disturbed about something and she wouldn't rest until something had been done about it. "Where the hell are they?" She asked in a flare of voice and action. The maid who was with her got quite scared and shook her head in response to signify that she had no answer. Just when So
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Chapter 9
Ethan woke up with a strange sense of incongruity. He was very tired the previous day and had slept like a baby. He took a look around the beautiful room he found himself in and it felt alien to him until the events of the previous day came pouring into his remembrance: it was as though life had treated him to a rollercoaster of conflicting highs and lows. Ethan had a strange feeling that something bad was about to happen to him again. And just as he had that thought, Andrew knocked on his door politely. "You can come in." Ethan answered. "Good morning, young master." Andrew greeted. "Good morning Mr Andrew." Ethan still found it strange that he had a new butler. Then he looked at Andrew's face and saw that Andrew looked a bit sad and was fidgeting in a kind of way. "What's the matter?" Ethan asked curiously. "It's about your sister Sylvie..." Andrew reported. "What happened to her? Did she fall sick?" Ethan asked worriedly. "She was on her way to school with Mark this mornin
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Chapter 10
Ethan received a call the moment he stepped back into the mansion. He took a look at his phone and discovered that it was an unknown and hidden caller. With a suspicious feeling that it wasn't good news, he picked up the call. "Ethan Stone, we have your sister." A nasty voice said before Ethan could even greet. "Who the hell are you?" Ethan forgot all pleasantries and asked the question that bit him in the chest the most with rage. "Who I am is not what is important." The voice replied, causing Ethan to furrow his brows. It seemed the person or people in question wanted to keep their identity a secret. "Then what is so important that you had to kidnap my sister?" Ethan asked once again while signalling to Andrew to do something. Andrew got the signal from Ethan and fervently began to do something. Ethan hoped he would be able to track the call and that was what he was trying to do as he took a laptop and started tracing the call. All Ethan has to do was stay on the call for one m
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