As a pseudo-sales director, one of Lola’s jobs is to attend meetings with the other upper-ranked employees at Styleon Group. Though she was still on probation under the guidance and mentorship of Edmund Porsche, she was required to be there to learn the ropes of how these meetings go, including the topics that are discussed.

Lola had been excited to attend this meeting, and she had even stayed up the previous night to study all the important aspects of what will be discussed at the meeting. She had even gone through the company’s archive to get a deeper understanding of things. Right now she felt like she was ready to show her new coworkers that she was worthy of the promotion she got.

Once the meeting started, Lola paid close attention to what was discussed, taking necessary notes for her to go over later. She never expected to be asked anything as she was still in training, and yet, Edmund had other plans. He intended to embarrass Lola by showing the other coworkers that she wasn’t
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