Chapter 23: The worried Sir Alan
[Daily quest board has been unlocked, Host can now execute daily, monthly and yearly quests in order to amass rewards and get stronger!].

Crimson was enthusiastic about viewing the mission dashboards but didn't do it there as he knew he might misbehave giving his family a fright so he hastily consumes and notified Jane he would chat with her at sundown before rushing out of the temple and taking a detour he heads toward the back of the building.

In the end, there was another building made from pure dark glass, a stark contrast between the ancient building and it. Crimson heads toward the glass building.

"Greetings lay your right-hand thumb on the scanner for verification"

A female cold robotic voice echoed from a mini speaker hanging at the front of the entrance.

Crimson obeyed and put his thumb, after a few seconds scan, the scanner revealed a green light which permitted him to enter and the glass door slid open.

Inside the glass building, it was not like anyone imagine of filled with
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