Chapter 38 Gerald's Special Dish

After a while, Gerald emerged from the kitchen carrying a special dish he had prepared. The delightful aroma instantly filled the room, making everyone eager to taste the cuisine.

"Thank you for your patience. Here it is, the special dish from Chef Gerald Lewis!" Gerald announced, placing the dish in the middle of the table.

Cheers erupted, and all eyes were fixed on the tempting dish. Beautifully plated with artistic presentation, the table looked incredibly inviting.

"Wow, this is truly amazing, Gerald!" praised Albert, admiring the dish with awe.

"Seriously, just the aroma has made me hungry. Come on, let's eat!" urged Elena, followed promptly by Grace and the others.

They all began relishing the dish with delight. The dining table became filled with low murmurs, occasionally interrupted by small sighs expressing the deliciousness of the meal.

"This is incredible, Gerald! You're truly talented!" praised Grace with a smile.

Gerald humbly nodded. Joy and satisfaction radiated from hi
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